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  • Sharece Bunn posted an article
    In the final quarter of 2023, we met most of our ESJ goals for the year. see more

    During the fourth quarter of 2023, we were busy. Our Equity and Social Justice Committee met monthly to work on their goals and complete some of the key projects set for the 2023 calendar year.

    In November 2023, we finalized our revamp of the DEIB Checklist for Events which we posted on our website in early December. During that month, we also hosted an event: “An RPCV Thanksgiving in Ukraine: Looking at a Traditional American Holiday through a DEIB Lens” which brought together a small group of RPCVs interested in talking about food and holidays together.

    Our committee also completed a 2024 calendar planning project to determine committee goals and priorities for the upcoming year. Within the plan, we've included the intent to change in officer roles in January 2024, when the current Equity and Social Justice Officer’s term ends. Though there will be a change in leadership, the current Equity and Social Justice Committee plans continue their work together for the full 2024 calendar year. Current committee members are eager to welcome more Alliance members to volunteer their time with the committee.

    As of December 2023, the Alliance continues to be involved with OrgsInSolidarity. The committee completed the required annual survey for membership in November and acknowledged the need to create goals to support the sixteen commitments if we wish to continue membership with OrgsInSolidarity. 




     December 09, 2023
  • Sharece Bunn posted an article
    We've updated our DEIB Checklist for Events! Read on for tips and guidelines! see more

    The Equity and Social Justice Committee updated the DEIB Checklist for Events this November. This updated checklist should be utilized whenever possible to create a more inclusive and engaged environment. 


    This checklist is intended for planning and evaluating Alliance projects and events. The Board of Directors and any Alliance committees will use the checklist for all events we host. Primary guiding consideration: Have we recruited a diverse range of participants (across race, gender, disability, career stage) who are best suited to address the event’s topics?

    1. Project Planning Thought Leadership

    • Include diverse perspectives in your brainstorming sessions. 
      • Establish clear purpose and target audience.
      • Choose your project platform (in-person or online, or a combination).

      • Establish a project budget that includes accessibility needs and inclusive
        vendor options, if applicable.

      • Create a DEI-aware agenda incorporating DEI related topics aligned with
        your event goals.

    2. Moderator/Speaker Sourcing, Selection and Tracking.

    • Recruit representative moderators/speakers/panelists.
      • Gauge speakers’ comfort levels and fitness for conversation by specifying
        particular topics of discussion in the invitation to speak.

      • Request relevant demographic information from speakers.

    3. Date and Venue/Platform Selection.

    • Consult the calendar to avoid conflicts with religious and cultural
    • Solicit diverse and locally owned vendors.

    • Solicit venues that:

      • are ADA compliant

      • have gender neutral restrooms

      • can set up designated rooms as needed and when applicable –
        lactation room, prayer room, quiet room, etc.

    • If online, ensure that platform is ADA accessible

    4. Promotion and Registration

    • Ensure language and visuals are inclusive. 
      • Include questions about dietary and accessibility needs in the registration form.

      • Include an option to enter gender pronouns on registration form.

      • Promote as widely as possible (e.g. NPCA, RPCV affinity groups, PeaceCorps Ukraine, in-country PCVs, word of mouth)

    5. Panel Preparation

    • Provide DEIB related questions to moderator(s) prior to the event to allow for adequate preparation.
      • Pre-plan how moderator(s) will ensure that underrepresented perspectives
        are included and ensure that all speakers are addressed in an equal manner.

      • Hold a pre-event meeting with all speakers for introductions, preferred
        titles and pronouns, name pronunciations, agenda review and ground rules.

    6. Final Pre-Event Considerations

    • Determine and arrange for accessibility needs. 
    • Determine and arrange for dietary restrictions.
    • Provide all guests with information on accessibility entrances/exits for the venue.


    7. During the In-Person Event

    • Ensure  check-in tables, signs and materials are easily accessible and readable to attendees with disabilities.
      • Post notification if any portion of the event is being recorded.

      • Designate accessible reserved seating for those who may need it or
        request it day-of.

    8. During the Online Event

    • Ask participants to include names and preferred pronouns on screen.

    • Explain ground rules for participation.

    • Designate tech support to assist participants and assure accessibility functions are working.

    9. After the Event

    • Survey participants about event inclusion and accessibility and ideas for future events.
    • Send thank you notes to speakers.


     December 04, 2023
  • Sharece Bunn posted an article
    The Equity and Social Justice Committee has formed to organize our DEIB efforts. see more

    Current Goals


    • Create a survey to better understand Alliance membership. 
    • Establish an ESJ committee. 
    • Identify the mission and vision for the ESJ committee. 
    • Identify goals to present to the Board of Directors focused on ESJ. 


    Article 2, section 3 - Shared Values 

    The shared values of the RPCV-AUA include respect for human dignity, equity, inclusion, collaboration, commitment to service, and justice for people of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, genders, and sexual orientations.



    The Equity and Social Justice Committee supports the RPCV Alliance for Ukraine's mission by creating and implementing a diversity action plan with goals for internal and external stakeholders, along with metrics to track progress and ensure accountability to the AUA's commitment to equity and social justice.



    The Equity and Social Justice Committee will support the RPCV Alliance for Ukraine in fostering a diverse membership and ensuring a sense of belonging by being inclusive of various races, ethnicities, genders, nationalities, religions, and sexual orientations. This committee will also support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives for RPCVs and PCVs who have served or are currently serving in Ukraine.


    Strategic Goals Alignment 

    The Equity and Social Justice Committee will align its strategic goals with RPCV Alliance for Ukraine in the following ways: 


    Goal 1: Community 

    AUA: Build, strengthen and sustain a vibrant and engaged community of RPCVs and allies for Ukraine.


    ESJ, Inclusive Community: Support initiatives to ensure both the organization’s leadership and membership is diverse, inclusive, and reflects the demographics of the RPCV Ukraine community.


    Goal 2: Information

    AUA: Share information about Ukrainian current events, development milestones and projects on behalf of Ukraine. 


    ESJ, Building Belonging:  Review and make recommendations for AUA's written communications, social media posts, and events/programming to ensure diverse topics, subject matter, inclusive language, and to foster a sense of belonging for all members. 


    Goal 3: Impact 

    AUA: Improve the capacity of Ukrainian citizens for societal change through impactful projects


    ESJ, Measurable Impacts: Support DEIB components in AUA advocacy, fundraising, partnerships, and events/programming. 


    Diversity Action Plan 

    The Alliance adopted an action plan to promote racial justice, diversity, and inclusion within Peace Corps Ukraine, aligning with shared values of Ukraine RPCVs. Our mission is to create a safer and more democratic Ukraine; recognizing the challenges faced by volunteers and community members who identify as  BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and religious minorities. Together as RPCVs, we stand united in our commitment to effect positive change.


    Goal 1: Fostering an Inclusive Community
    Support initiatives to ensure both the organization’s leadership and membership is diverse, inclusive and reflects the demographics of the RPCV Ukraine community in age, race/ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, geography, ability, and experience. 

    • Research current RPCV Ukraine demographics.
    • Conduct a Board of Directors audit and needs assessment twice per year.
    • Recruit and retain diverse Board members using evidence-based best practices.
    • Include demographic data for leadership and membership in the annual report.

    Goal 2:  Building Belonging 

    Maintain close relationship and open, transparent communication with our network:

    • Publish monthly Board meeting minutes on our website.
    • Develop and host a virtual DEIB focused event once per year.
    • Assist with hosting at least one virtual Member Meeting per year in order to provide updates on our work and seek member feedback and ideas for future projects. 
    • Assist with hosting at least one virtual Town Hall per year with Peace Corps Ukraine staff as available. This would be open to all Ukraine RPCVs and allies. This will include at least one PC Ukraine staff member to give updates and answer questions.

    Goal 3:  Measurable Impacts 

    Engage with the AUA membership, Peace Corps Ukraine, and the NPCA to work towards our vision. 

    • Survey AUA members annually and review ESJ goals.
      • Administer survey every before the end of the second quarter.
      • Report on survey results in September newsletter.
    • Engage with current DEI opportunities with NPCA and Peace Corps. 
      • Advocate for Ukrainian PCVs and RPCVs to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. 
      • Participate in National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) events and discussions devoted to racial equity and social justice when they arise.
    • Prepare for the return of Peace Corps Volunteers in Ukraine. 
      • Review the Changes Necessary for the Safety of Black and POC PCVs in Ukraine list created by PCVs prior to the 2020 evacuation and identify ways to support Black and POC PCVs before and when they return to PC UA. 
      • Collaborate with Peace Corps Ukraine to build a relationship with PC Diversity and Inclusion Officer, ICDEI Working Group, and other relevant PC leadership and staff, when Peace Corps volunteers are in-country.
      • Identify fundraising goals to support Ukrainian POC.
      • Connect to the Peace Corps Ukraine to assist with the Virtual Service Pilot Program. 
    • Incorporating Equity into Our Actions and Programming
      • Utilize the DEI Project Checklist for all Alliance events. 
      • Provide updates to equity and social justice at all Board and Member meetings.

     August 22, 2023
  • Sharece Bunn posted an article
    This quarter, we're pleased to share updates on our work with equity and social justice! see more

    In our organizational bylaws 2.3 and 3.1, the RPCV Alliance for Ukraine commits to equity and social justice. While the war in Ukraine continued throughout the second quarter of 2023, the organization worked towards equity and social justice by connecting to members through a survey, establishing the mission and vision for the Equity and Social Justice Committee, and assessed progress towards 2021-2022 equity and social justice goals. 



    Equity and Social Justice Membership Survey 

    From June 5 through July 30, 2023, the Alliance surveyed members to meet the following objectives: 

    • Understand the demographic data of the Alliance’s membership. 

    • Determine how members engaged in DEI/social justice projects as PCVs in UA. 

    • Identify how members engage in DEI in their current work. 

    • Gauge interest of  potential DEI-related engagement programming and activity


    From the survey, we gathered insights from 25 respondents within the RPCV Ukraine community expressing interest in DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and social justice matters, both in Ukraine and within the community itself. Almost all participants showed a desire to contribute to equity and social justice efforts sponsored by RPCV AUA. This involvement ranged from contributing to an Equity and Social Justice (ESJ) fund through donations to actively participating in ESJ committees and staying updated on ESJ initiatives through the quarterly newsletter. The data underscores the enthusiasm of our members for such engagement, and it motivates us to continue advancing our existing initiatives while also exploring new ones in line with the suggestions provided by our membership.


    Demographic info is limited. However, we received the following information. 

    • Many RPCVs ran DEI projects in Ukraine.

    • There is a strong interest in attending a panel sharing DEI/social justice projects; panel addressing marginalized populations in UA during the war and attending a virtual coffee meeting for RPCVs with an interest in DEI and social justice issues.

    • Respondents show interest in reading about equity and social justice issues in the RPCV AUA quarterly update.


    Establishing an Equity and Social Justice Committee

    Under the leadership of the Equity and Social Justice Officer, we made a call out to Alliance members to create a committee to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging work for the Alliance. In May 2023, we had our first committee meeting. And in July 2023, we defined the mission and vision for the committee. 


    Equity and Social Justice Committee Mission 

    The Equity and Social Justice Committee supports the RPCV Alliance for Ukraine's mission by creating and implementing a diversity action plan with goals for internal and external stakeholders, along with metrics to track progress and ensure accountability to the AUA's commitment to equity and social justice.


    Equity and Social Justice Committee Vision

    The Equity and Social Justice Committee will support the RPCV Alliance for Ukraine in fostering a diverse membership and ensuring a sense of belonging by being inclusive of various races, ethnicities, genders, nationalities, religions, and sexual orientations. This committee will also support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives for RPCVs and PCVs who have served or are currently serving in Ukraine.


    Progress Towards Published Goals 

    The Committee reviewed published goals related to Equity and Social Justice to determine progress towards current goals. 

    In the 2020-21 Equity and Social Justice Plan under Prioritize Advocacy, the Alliance planned the following: 


    • At least one Board member will attend all public forums hosted by
      the Peace Corps Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion ( and take notes to share with the Alliance.

      • Status of Goal: The ESJ Committee learned that there may have been changes to the Peace Corps Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion since the goal was created. The goal will be adjusted to identify ways to support Peace Corps diversity and inclusion initiatives moving forward. 

    • Seek and share updates regarding the list of Changes Necessary for the Safety of Black and POC PCVs in Ukraine created by PCVs prior to the 2020 evacuation.

      • Status of Goal: Since the COVID-19 evacuation in 2020 and the full-scale invasion of Ukraine that began in February 2022, PCVs have not been serving in Ukraine. As of July 2023, the Alliance has not shared updates regarding the list of Changes Necessary for the Safety of Black and POC PCVs in Ukraine, but the ESJ Committee plans to adjust the goal to plan forward for the return of PCVs in Ukraine and/or the experience of virtual service participants. 

    •  Galvanize resources to support volunteer-led efforts to meet needs of Black, POC, and other marginalized volunteer groups in-country and following service

      • Raise $1,000 in funds to sponsor two Black PCV retreats; continue in future years as needed.

      • Continue to collaborate with members to identify and meet future fundraising needs.

      • Status of Goal: As stated in the first quarterly update for 2023, the funds gathered for the Black PCV retreats were dispersed to the Global Black Coalition (GBC) for Ukraine in 2022 as we do not know when volunteers will be allowed to return to Ukraine. Information about the process and a report about how GBC has used the money is available on our website

    •  With approval from Peace Corps Ukraine, maintain an ongoing relationship with PC Diversity and Inclusion Officer, ICDEI Working Group, and other relevant PC leadership and staff, when Peace Corps volunteers are in-country.

      • Status of Goal: As there are no Peace Corps volunteers in-country at this time, we are not working on this goal. However, the ESJ Committee plans to consider how to support the Virtual Service Pilot Program in Ukraine at this time. 

    •  Actively participate in National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) events and discussions devoted to racial equity and social justice.

      • Status of Goal: In July 2023, we voted in a new Board Member who will serve as the NPCA Liaison and is serving on the Equity and Social Justice Committee. 


    Under Incorporating Equity into Our Actions and Programming, we had the following goals. 

    • The Connections Program will partner returning volunteers with established RPCVs based on mentoring needs of the volunteer, taking into account the unique challenges faced by RCPVs of color, LGBTQIA+ Volunteers, and those belonging to religious minorities.

      • Status of Goal: The Connections Program has not been active in 2023 as there are no active or returning volunteers at this time. 

    • By the end of 2021, establish a structure for incorporating Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion criteria into all our proposed programming by crafting a standard list of questions to consider.

      • Status of Goal: The DEI Checklist for Events was published in December 2021. We utilized the checklist at the Babusya’s Kitchen Outreach event in May 2023. 

    • Beginning in 2021, updates on this plan and future equity and social justice action plans will be a standing agenda item at Board and Member meetings.

      • Status of Goal: Equity and Social Justice updates were part of meetings in May, June, July, and August of 2023. 


    Due to the various demands on the Alliance to support Ukraine during the war, the Equity and Social Justice Committee met to review and adapt the goals to more accurately reflect the current goals and how the ESJ Committee can support them. A draft of the updated goals were shared with the Board in August 2023 and will be finalized in September 2023. 

     August 11, 2023