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  • Elena Krajeski posted an article
    Why we are now offering FREE Lifetime Membership see more

    Even though 2021 is off to a rocky start, there is so much to look forward to this year in the RPCV community. In March we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of Peace Corps and October will mark 29 years since Group 1 was sent off to Kyiv.

    We have a series of events planned for the 30th anniversary of the Peace Corps Ukraine program and we want to involve as many of our RPCVs as possible. By removing the annual dues of $19.92 and providing free lifetime membership, we hope that this will encourage people to join and help us fulfill our mission. There are an estimated 3,300+ Ukraine RPCVs and our goal is to reach 1,000 of them by this time next year! 

    We want to thank all of our dues-paying members for their support and let you know that we will convert your membership. We still have operational costs and projects to fund, so any donation would be greatly appreciated! Keep an eye out for our upcoming merchandise fundraiser as well. 

    If you are NOT already part of the RPCV Alliance for Ukraine or the National Peace Corps Association (our parent org) click here to join--it's free! 

    If you have already joined, please share this announcement with your cohorts and spread the word. Let's build this community! 

     January 08, 2021